Resolute Resolutions: Take Courage and Be A Man

You would think that the phrase “Be a man” was a slang phrase developed in a movie, book, or coined in the ghetto.  But the truth is that this is what King David told Solomon close to the time of his death.  This has been an idea that I have been thinking about the past few months, and I decided that it would be my New Year’s resolution. “… Take courage and be a man“ – 1 Kings 2:2 NLT We live in a time when families spend a lot less time together, because of how hectic and busy our lives have become, and the pursuit of happiness and the American dream.  Because families don’t have these close bonds anymore, it’s hard for a boy, or girl to pick up on the cue’s one needs to develop as an adult.  How many of you can list ten things that you learned from your parent about being an adult?  I personally have a hard time because my childhood was so busy with school, parents with work, and many days at church.  The truth is that we should learn life, adulthood, and parenting primarily from our parents. However, even if you did not learn how to be an adult from your parents, know that you have a googolplex number of ways to nurture your character and traits now, sourced from the Bible.  After all, God is our Father (Psalm 68:5), Jesus is our friend (John 15:15), and the Holy Spirit is our Comforter (John 14:26 KJV). Now lets go back to the passage “I am going where everyone on earth must someday go. Take courage and be a man. Observe the requirements of the Lord your God, and follow all his ways. Keep the decrees, commands, regulations, and laws written in the Law of Moses so that you will be successful in all you do and wherever you go. 1 Kings 2:2-3 NLT It’s amazing to read about King David telling this to Solomon, who would later become the wisest man that ever lived and ever will be.  Men, I think that we should follow David’s example of not only telling Solomon to be a man, but actually living in a way that is courageous, chivalrous, and manly. So men, let us be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:9) as we live out the days ahead.  Let us not just “carry on” in the same old mundane way, but let us live them.  Let us be examples for each other and for those around us, and those looking up to us.  Let us focus on fighting for those things that matter critically in our lives. Fight for marriage Fight for family Fight for chivalry Fight for respect Fight for honor Fight for love Fight for relationships Fight for faith   — You are Loved